The 5 B2B content trends you need for your social media strategy

“What will I post this week?”

There’s no doubt, social media is one of the powerful ways to increase the visibility of your B2B brand. But for a lot of people, creating content is a constant struggle to find topics and ideas to post on social media.

This is why we prepared 5 B2B content ideas you can start creating (or reusing) right away.

1. Short videos in reel format

It’s not a secret anymore, video works. People’s online behaviour has shifted towards video, and you really need to shift too. They seem to love watching entertaining or educational videos over text-based stories to solve their problems.

You don’t need high quality video to create visibility. Short videos recorded with your phone are more than good enough to capture your audience’s attention.

There are a few things you should keep in mind when creating these short format videos:

  • Write down a list of topics you want to record to keep structure
  • Think about your first sentence. It has to be clear for the viewer what he or she will get out of your video. For example: ‘I will tell you how you can create and plan 3 months of content in 1 day’
  • Keep it short and simple. I know how much you love your product, but just give your audience the necessary value so they can get to work themselves.
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2. Turn your FAQ into social posts

There is some really valuable information, hidden in your Frequently Asked Questions. It’s time to use them and solve the problems of your prospect right away, instead of them having to look elsewhere for answers.

 It helps your customers understand the ins and outs of your product or service. Reusing your FAQ in other formats is really great when you have no idea what to post. It’s crucial to post them every now and then, as not everyone will see your post every time.

Create a carrousel and present the question as a problem on the first slide. Solve this problem on the next swipes. 

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3. Turn your blogposts into carrousels

Blog posts are still effective to improve your SEO. Don’t forget to write on interesting topics in your industry, to keep your website updated.

Once it’s written, it’s great to share the summary or relevant insights of your blog in a carrousel on Instagram and LinkedIn. Seeing images will get people to click through to read the full article and this drives traffic to your website. Don’t hesitate to do this with your old blogs.

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SEO PRO TIP : Change the publication date of your older blogs, old blogs will shrink your SEO ranking.

4. Product launches

Don’t forget to communicate about your milestones, achievements and your products.

On LinkedIn, it’s alright to be proud (haha). Sharing your company achievements will again build trust.

In most cases, when you launch a new feature of your product, or a new service for your agency, nobody will notice. Instead of just adding them to your website, you should make a post about your new product launch, explaining the benefits of it.


(Yes, we still need to post about it)

5. Case studies

Creating a use case of your past clients is ideal to build trust. Try to make one for every industry you’re working in, so as much as possible potential customers are able to recognize themselves.

It allows people to learn more about how your business is solving their problems.

Some last bonus tips, because you don't need to invent content..

  1. Check your competitor’s post. Not saying you should copy them, but it sure will give you some inspiration. Do check their most watched or liked posts. Don’t forget to focus on producing and getting your content out there first so your prospects get to know you. Over perfecting is the big reason why companies struggle with their content. 
  2. There are thousands of templates on you can tune and use for your social media

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